
my name is

Àlex Mas Bosch

I'm a

software engineerfull stack developerjavascript developernodejs developerjava developerreact developerpython developer


About me

I'm 27 years old and live in Bern, Switzerland.

I like to learn and discover new things, that is the very reason you're reading this right now. My journey into the world of programming started on the second semester of university, i was bored with Business Sciences degree i was taking so i decided to do something more interesting, learning to program. I picked up some udemy courses to learn about web technologies and then i applied those skills to bring some ideas to life. This skills helped me land my first and current job.

My currrent area of expertise is full stack development, I have extensive experience creating API's with nodejs/java/pyhton and building pages with react. However, I'm always open to new experiences. I'm currently interested in learning Machine learning, game development and robotics

Work Experience

Development of various internal native and web applications, api's and libraries related with test data.

  • I work as a consultant for a bank helping develop applications to monitor and facilitate end to end testing of their systems

  • I work internally developing a SQL editor with a GUI Builder and a custom parser, a Web App and API for generation and injection of data

  • Tech Stack: Java & Python Backend, Javascript,Typescript & React Frontend, GitlabCI for CI, Docker for containerizing and Kubernetes for deploying

Personal Projects

Library that provides utilities to build simulations using entity component systems pattern

Wiki creator, featuring a WYSIWYG editor

Utility class to make it easier to orchestrate work across WebWorkers

Static page build with Typescript, React, Nextjs and deployed to DigitalOcean via Github Actions

If you want to see more of my projects check my github